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Getac's 2020 annual shareholder's meeting releases the company's directors from non-competition restrictions.

  1. Date of the shareholders' meeting resolution:2020/05/29
  2. Name and title of the director with permission to engage in competitive conduct: Director:Miau, Scott Matthew Director:Lien Hwa Industrial Holdings Corp.
  3. Items of competitive conduct in which the director is permitted to engage: Companies with similar business covered by company's target industries.
  4. Period of permission to engage in the competitive conduct: Within term of serving as Director of Company
  5. Circumstances of the resolution (please describe the results of the voting under Article 209 of the Company Act):Voted and approved as proposed.
  6. If the permitted competitive conduct is business of a mainland China area enterprise, the name and title of the director (if it is not business of a mainland China area enterprise, please enter ”not applicable” below):N/A.
  7. Company name of the mainland China area enterprise and the director's position in the enterprise:N/A.
  8. Address of the mainland China area enterprise:N/A.
  9. Business items of the mainland China area enterprise:N/A. 
  10. Degree of effect on the Company's finances and business:None.
  11. If the director has invested in the mainland China area enterprise, the monetary amount of the director's investment and the director's shareholding ratio:N/A.
  12. Any other matters that need to be specified:None.