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Getac announces the important resolutions of the 2020 annual shareholder's meeting

  1. Date of the shareholders' meeting:2020/05/29
  2. Important resolutions (1)profit distribution/deficit compensation:Voted and approved as proposed.
  3. Important resolutions (2)amendments of the corporate charter:None.
  4. Important resolutions (3)business report and financial statements:Voted and approved as proposed.
  5. Important resolutions (4)elections of board of directors and supervisors:None.
  6. Important resolutions (5)other proposals: ●Proposal for amendments to the ”Procedures for Loaning Funds to Others” and ”Procedures for Endorsements and Guarantees”: Voted and approved as proposed. ●Proposal for amendments to the “Rules of Procedure for Shareholders Meetings”: Voted and approved as proposed. ●Release of Directors from Non-competition Restrictions: Voted and approved as proposed.
  7. Any other matters that need to be specified:None.